Seattle: Colman Park
Plant a forest and grow community! Help us create a healthier, happier, and greener Seattle. From creating wildlife habitat, to combating climate change, and providing a place for residents to recreate: having a hand in Green Seattle Day is one of the best ways to give back to your neighbors, parks, and your local forest.
Join the fun with EarthCorps and be one of hundreds of volunteers across the city planting native trees, shrubs, and groundcovers that will become the future forest of Seattle. All community members are welcome, and no experience is necessary! The event is family friendly and open to all ages.
The Basics
Registration is required. EarthCorps supplies gloves, tools, water and snack bars. We will teach you everything you need to know! No experience necessary, just come ready to learn something new! Be sure to sign in at registration when you arrive.
This video may give you a better idea of what to expect.
For your safety and comfort please bring:
- Clothing that can get dirty (because it will!)
- Clothing that will protect your legs against prickly plants (no shorts, please)
- Sturdy shoes that can handle some mud (closed toed shoes are required such as work boots, hiking boots, rubber boots, etc. NO sandals, flats, or heels)
- Rain gear and warm layers -OR- sun protection (check the weather!)
- Sack lunch and snacks (to refuel)
- Full water bottle (we will have a jug on-site for re-fills)
- Travel mug for tea/coffee
- If you have a favorite pair of gloves, feel free to bring them (otherwise we're happy to provide a pair)
The event will happen rain or shine!
What will volunteers be doing at the event?
While the exact tasks can vary, our projects focus on improving the forests and parks in our local cities. Healthy and thriving forests are vital to our community because they absorb and filter rain water, produce clean oxygen, provide living spaces for wildlife, and create a place for people to connect with the outdoors.
In order to help create healthy forests and green spaces, the work can include, but is not limited to:
- Removing weeds (like ivy or blackberry)
- Maintaining areas where these weeds have been removed (weeding or spreading mulch)
- Planting trees and shrubs during the rainy season (often ~Oct.-Feb.)
If you are coming as a group, the group leaders are expected to have an active role in our events. After registering your group, please get in touch with to make sure everything is in order. On the day of the event, make yourself known to the staff (in bright yellow vests) and arrive early in order to help guide your group members.Youth Policy
Youth under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult. All volunteers between the ages of 14 and 17 that are not with a parent or guardian must print and bring a filled out Youth Waiver the day of the event.
Youth and school groups are welcome to attend; leaders should contact the Volunteer Team to take care of all necessary preparations.
We will be meeting at 3411 S Dose Terrace, Seattle, WA 98144
We will be working around here: 47.585376, -122.288606
Please find parking either on the street or nearby Park lots.
Number of volunteer positions available: 11
Number of volunteer positions available: 25
Number of volunteer positions available: 25
Number of volunteer positions available: 25