UN Decade On Ecosystem Restoration

The United Nation’s Decade on Ecosystem Restoration launches on World Environment Day – June 5, 2021!
The UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration focuses on reviving and restoring damaged ecosystems across the globe. Healthy ecosystems are crucial in creating a thriving planet for people to enjoy generations from now. Scientists say we just have 10 more years to restore the planet; this critical decade from 2021 to 2030 will help prevent catastrophic devastation from climate change. This is a global concern that requires global action. Over 70 countries from all over the world signed a proposal for the UN Decade.
EarthCorps is excited to be part of this critical movement that aims to halt and reverse the degradation of important ecosystems worldwide. Our restoration in the Pacific Northwest is crucial to creating a better future! Restoring natural places close to home can make a big difference globally if we are all in this together! EarthCorps will continue this momentum for the next ten years, to bring about change. We are working toward a better future of healthy ecosystems, which in return will, reduce the threat of climate change, enhance the livelihoods of people, and increase biodiversity. By building young environmental leaders, we will create an even bigger change, as these young leaders will leave our program sharing restoration knowledge with their communities!
Join us in this global movement!
Check out these resources for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration:
- UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration website: UN Decade on Restoration
- Attend an event on World Environment Day by checking out their website! Also, take a virtual trip to a forest, coral reef, mountains etc. and see how important these places are and how we can help protect them! Click here: World Environment Day
- Check out the video introducing the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and share it! Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (widen.net)
- Share about the UN Decade on Restoration with your community on social media! Here are some helpful communication materials to make sharing a bit easier! Communication Materials | UN Decade on Restoration
- Use the hashtag #GenerationRestoration to draw more attention to this important cause on social media!