Our Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak
UPDATED MAY 19, 2020 The world today is a scarier, more uncertain place than usual. Quarantines, economic instability and political strife seem to be the new normal. Never before has the work of community-led nonprofits – promoting grassroots leadership, lifting up women’s and people of color voices, providing access to the underserved and otherwise creating...
A Global Movement to Restore Our Environment
Interview with Madeline de Mahy, Senior Project Manager The United Nations General Assembly declared 2021-2030 the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The declaration aims to promote global efforts around ecosystem restoration as a way to address the climate crisis and improve food security, water supply, and biodiversity. In September, on the heels of the UN’s...
US Senator Cory Booker cites EarthCorps’ work in Climate Stewardship Act proposal!
We’re trying to play it cool, but this is REALLY big! Here is the back story: EarthCorps teamed up with Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) to study the rate at which coastal wetlands, estuaries, and tidal marshes sequester carbon. We studied how saltwater grasses and other marsh plants take carbon out of the air, and end up burying...
2019 International Corps Members at EarthCorps
In June, EarthCorps welcomed new corps members from India, Georgia, Haiti, the Philippines, Brazil, Colombia, and Russia to Seattle, Washington! Leaving the familiar behind and plunging into the unknown, these young adults are committed to learning about the world in a way that books, television, and school can’t reveal. Cross-cultural exchange strengthens and more deeply connects...
Trees today, forests tomorrow
How does a forest benefit people and nature, and what can we do to ensure that it has an even bigger impact – today, tomorrow, and into the future? This is a question that EarthCorps continually asks as we plan forest restoration projects. Take a look at Discovery Park: Stretching 534 acres, Discovery Park is an urban...
Save the Salmon to Save the Orcas
Puget Sound orcas are hungry. The Southern Resident killer whales, who spend summer and fall in Puget Sound, are picky eaters. About 80% of their diet is Chinook salmon – and they eat a lot of them. An adult orca eats about 385 pounds of fish each day! The Southern Resident killer whales developed a taste for Chinook salmon...
Global changemakers reunited at EarthCorps
EarthCorps impacts the lands and waters of Puget Sound, but it is the impact on the person – how they see themselves, and how they choose to make a difference in our world – that makes EarthCorps unique. This week, we were honored to host the first-ever EarthCorps International Alumni Summit, funded by the Trust for Mutual Understanding whose mission is...
EarthCorps salutes new UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
The newly declared UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 aims to massively scale up the restoration of degraded and destroyed ecosystems around the world. Declaring a decade for ecosystem restoration amplifies the public’s demand that climate change and it’s devastating effects must be at the top of national agendas, and that restoration is a proven measure to fight climate change and...
Say Hello to the 2019 Corps Members at EarthCorps
A community is forming. A new wave of boundless enthusiasm walked through EarthCorps’ doors last week! Thirty-nine young adults are in Seattle, Washington to begin their year of service with EarthCorps. They will plant trees, install rain gardens, and build trails to ensure the health and vitality of the Puget Sound region – all the while they will be...