EarthCorps and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal Speak Up for the Climate

On March 24th, 2022, EarthCorps joined Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal and other partners as she announced the Climate Resilience Workforce Act at Hilltop Park in Burien.

The Congresswoman met with our Corps Members to speak about climate resilience and the importance of investing in green jobs. Our Executive Director, Evlyn Andrade, also spoke to show her support for the bill!
We are so excited about the Climate Resilience Workforce Act proposed by Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal as it will create a stronger, greener, and more resilient society, and prioritize communities most impacted by the climate crisis.
Read more from an article by the Seattle Times:…/u-s-rep-jayapal-unveils…/
Northwest News Radio videotaped the event including our very own Executive Director, Evlyn Andrade, speaking. Take a look at the video!…/rep-jayapal-talks-about…/
Learn more about our work at Hilltop Park

We were honored to partner with the city of Burien Government, the Port of Seattle, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Forterra NW, and Partner In Employment (PIE) last year to restore the habitat of Burien’s Hilltop Park, while also supporting green jobs for local youth in this historically underserved airport community. Last year, EarthCorps crews mowed and treated the blackberry in preparation for planting. In the fall, EarthCorps partnered with Partner In Employment (PIE) to plant about 350 native shrubs, and then helped host Green Burien day, where volunteers planted approximately 270 native trees.
EarthCorps and PIE host young adult crews interested in the environmental field as a career path. This year we are working with PIE again to provide space for EarthCorps and PIE crew members to collaborate and share space while maintaining the 1.5 acres of restoration site.